Descubre Discovery
Back in 2012, Discovery Communications already had a network; Discovery Español, trying to talk to the US Hispanic Market. However, as a brand, Discovery also needed to communicate to a younger, fast growing latinx population that felt very comfortable speaking English or Spanish.
I was the creative lead in the teams tasked with the mission of coming up with content ideas geared towards that audince, identifying shows that could attract US Hispanic audiences and create some of the campaigns to win them over.
During my tenure as the International Creative Director, I also created many campaigns for the Latin American market.
These are only some samples of my work.
Discovery Communications
What I Did
Creative direction, art direction, copywriting
Mundos Extremos
To promote this show about people living in the fringes, we created a dramatic and minimalistic layout with one high impact word that drew attention to the body copy and tune-in information.
El Grito que sacudió a México
To promote this special show celebrating the Mexican War of Independence, which was ignited by the execution of some rebel commanders by shooting squad. Triggering the famous “Grito de Dolores.” We used the characteristic bullet holes and the Mexican flag to frame The Cry of Dolores in the most epic way possible (Invitation to execute some Spaniards included). Some billboards featured real “bullet” holes.
Instinto Asesino
We based this promo and print work, for one of the crudest shows in the Discovery lineup, on the opening titles of iconic “feel bad” movies like “The Texas chainsaw massacre” “Psycho” “Seven” and “To kill a mockingbird.” In the most latino fashion we produced the promo on a shoestring budget in my backyard, using my car lights and own shovel.