
APA, the well-known and leading authority in research and publishing, wanted to create a digital toolkit for academic librarians to use with students. Our research showed that these librarians aren’t cute old ladies getting books. They skew much younger, are extremely tech savvy, and juggle a myriad of responsibilities on behalf of their libraries, students, and professors.

To ease the librarians’ workload and help them promote APA products to students, the digital toolkit would have ready-to-use social media, email, and print assets. 


‘Beautiful Misery’ came from several insights about university students. They’re digital natives, enjoy polished visuals, and like to share their day to day experiences. Finding primary sources for projects is a struggle for them, so they look to academic librarians for help.

Bold illustrations stand out from Instagram and Facebook feeds saturated with selfies and group photos. We created eye-catching late night scenarios that are relatable to any university student experience. 


Academic Librarian Toolkit


American Psychological Association

What We Did

Illustration, Art Direction, Copywriting, Web Design, Social Media Strategy, Out-of-Home, Animation


Our illustrations created light humor based on insight: finding sources is time-consuming and stressful, leading to a good amount of library all-nighters. We commiserated with students and researchers burning the midnight oil, wishing they had finished their work hours ago.

Highly Animated

We animated the illustrations. Some movements are obvious while others are more subtle. Social media engagement is guaranteed.

Poster Series


Digital Toolkit

All of the deliverables live together as a ready-to-use digital toolkit for academic librarians.
APA is alleviating their workload with this
easy, one-stop shop to meet their social media, print, and email needs.

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